Wednesday 16 October 2019


magazine cover , contents and website. photography 
Image result for portrait with orange lighting

Image result for chiaroscuro portrait lighting in centre
mid shot in chiaroscuro and black and white.



  1. I really like your cover. I particularly like your choice of fonts and the curved text around her head. The only real weakness is the barcode, but that is a simple element to fix. You have not included a second cover, or your research PowerPoint. Make sure that you know how to embed a PowerPoint so that it is an easy process for when you do your examined coursework.

  2. Task 2:
    Your attention to colour is very good. You have clearly managed to capture a very similar effect to the image you were aiming to produce, which is not easy to do given the limitations of our study lighting. Unfortunately, the link to your chiaroscuro shot is broken. Please take a short time to address this and try to make it work.

    A couple of additional points.
    1st - Like with the first task, you have done some good work, but you haven't entirely stuck to the brief. Really stick to it. When it comes to your final production this will make a huge difference to your overall score.

    2nd - I still can't see your research powerpoint from Task 1. My guess is that you have it set to private on the host site. This is not losing your marks at the moment because this task has no bearing on your final grade, but the sooner you work out how to do this the sooner you can be sure that you can do it.

  3. Task 3:
    Magazine (Cover/Contents) and Website
    Unfortunately you haven't submitted your work for marking. Even incomplete work is worth more than no work. You need to focus on hitting your deadlines. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you have forgotten to hit publish. I'll check in on Wednesday's lesson, but please get work online asap.

    In summary - 0/60



CCVI Media Blogs 27 November 2019 at 05:03 I really like your cover. I particularly like your choice of fonts and the curved text around ...